Kali Takher
Coaches 3 of 3

3. Kali Takher

Kali Takher is the Men's section coach.

Kali has four decades of coaching experience working with young, experienced, motivated and talented athletes in the domestic and European game. He has won the Premier League numerous times myself as a player and then as coach for both men’s & women’s teams.

Kali has playing experience for England and GB at all junior and senior age groups playing in World Cups, European Cups, Champions Trophies and Olympic Games. He was also named in a World eleven after his first World Cup and named player of the season in England on two occasions.

Kali has coached for many years from grassroots right through to the Premier League in both the women’s and men’s leagues. Many of the players who have played in the senior England and GB squads past and present have had some of his coaching influence at some stage in their development.

"As well as Sonning, I coach at 3 clubs, 2 schools and a University. I work with and alongside many other coach’s and staff and have to demonstrate good communication, friendly attitude, professionalism, integrity, inclusion and high standards. I have coached full-time for 37 years now. I still have the thirst, appetite and ambition to gain even more success and learn more. Simply I love hockey and love coaching to make players and teams happier & play a better brand of hockey."